Category: new zealand real estate

3 Tips for Skillfully Selling Property in Bad Condition

person By Hadar alarm 5th Jun, 2021
Selling Property in Bad Condition

In any market, it is difficult to offload a commodity that is in bad shape. That applies even more to real estate deals. Generally, when we mention ‘property’ and ‘bad condition’, we can consider multiple shortcomings with the asset by a thumb rule, which makes it further difficult to offload properties in bad condition. Therefore, for sell...

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Is the Auckland Housing Market Entering a Cool-off Period?

person By Hadar alarm 28th May, 2021
Auckland Housing Market

Expert industry study of the Auckland housing market numbers in early May has led to pundits concluding a decrease in buyer interest. The Auckland housing market performed magnificently in the first 6 months of the calendar year. But, an 11% decrease in buyer demands for property valuations has been noted in early May, compared to the past 6 months...

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